Bar Modelling in Key Stage 1

The Ultimate Problem Solving Tool

Singapore Bar Modelling has been introduced over to schools in the UK over the last few years in a piecemeal and inconsistent way. Many teachers and children have tried to use this approach within school but the lack of consistency and understanding of the foundations of this approach has led to confusion and, tragically, in some schools, the abandonment of this approach.

In Singapore bar modelling helped transform children’s achievement levels and, when introduced well and taught with consistency in UK schools, it can be equally powerful. Dave has gone back to texts from Singapore and the training sessions below help teachers to establish a clear, consistent and logical approach to Bar Modelling. The foundations for Bar Modelling will mean some overlap between the sessions, but the exemplification will be pitched at the designated phases.

Dave has presented sessions about bar modelling at mathematical conferences and written the Sense of Number Visual Bar Model Policy for schools. This course covers the following core content:

·     What is the Singapore Bar Model Method for solving Word Problems?

·     Big Picture: How developing firm foundations in KS1 is vital for success in KS2.

·     The Two Main Types of Bar Model: Part/Whole and Comparison.

·     Utilising a consistent approach using the Y.M.C.A. and S.T.A.R. acronym systems.

·     Using the Bar Model Approach across all four operations within KS1.